We are always looking for new members who have a genuine interest in helping improve the services at the surgery, it is not a place for personal issues to be raised. Please see below for our terms of reference.
PPG Sign up form (DOCX, 16KB)
Section 242 of the NHS Act 2006 (formerly Section 11 of the Health and Social Care Act 2011) which came into force in November 2008, strengthened the statutory duty on all NHS organisations to make arrangements to consult and involve patients and the public in:
- the planning and provision of services we commission
- the development and consideration of proposals for changes in the way those services are provided
- decisions made by us that affect the operation of those services
The duty applies when a proposal or decision impacts on the matter in which services are delivered of the range of services available.
Robert Frew PPG Terms of Reference
- Meetings of the Robert Frew PPG will be held on the third Monday of each month. Meetings will commence at 6:45pm.
- The quorum for any meeting will be a minimum of 5 representatives from the PPG and 1 representative from the practice (total of 6).
- Each member on joining the PPG MUST sign the Confidentiality Agreement and abide by its contents.
- Elections of the officers (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer) will be held annually at the meeting held in July.
- The meetings are not a forum for individual complaints or personal issues.
- We advocate open and honest discussion and challenge between individuals.
- We will be flexible, listen to, ask for help and support each other.
- Silence indicates agreement; speak up but always through the chair.
- All views are valid and will be listened to.
- Mobile phones will be either turned off or on silent.
- If a member does not attend 4 consecutive meetings without giving their apologies, they will be deemed to have resigned from the PPG.
Note: After a members resignation, all personal data to the member will be destroyed.
Role and remit
Work in partnership with Robert Frew Medical Centre to help patients to take more responsibility for their health.
Foster improved communication between patients accessing the GP surgery and GP surgery staff.
Contribute to the continuous improvement of services and quality of care, ensuring that the GP practice is more responsive to the needs and wishes of patients.
The PPG will be made up of:
- patient representatives who are registered at Robert Frew Medical Centre
- a representative from the Robert Frew Medical Centre team – medical / admin / nursing
The group should consist of no more than 20 patients.
Recruitment to the PPG will be through advertising – leaflets and posters – and word of mouth and any other appropriate method.
Management of meetings
Meetings will be held monthly at Robert Frew Medical Centre
The role of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer & Secretary will be held by four PPG members. Expressions of interest will be gathered and then the roles will be voted in by the PPG. The role will be held for 12 months.
All members will be expected to adhere to a code of conduct and respect other members.
If a consensus cannot be reached, the majority view will be taken, if no clear majority then the chair or in their absence the vice chair shall have the deciding vote.
All members of PPG to sign confidentiality agreements.
Minutes of our Patient Participation Group
PPG Minutes 18th November 2024 (PDF, 281KB)
PPG Minutes 19th August 2024 (DOCX, 37KB)
PPG Minutes 15th July 2024 (DOCX, 44KB)
PPG Minutes 17th June 2024 (DOCX, 17KB)
PPG Minutes 20th May 2024 (DOCX, 18KB)
PPG Minutes 18th March 2024 (PDF, 706KB)
PPG Minutes 19th February 2024 (DOCX, 25KB)
PPG Minutes 15th January 2024 (PDF, 493KB)
PPG Minutes 16th October 2023 (DOCX, 24KB)
PPG Minutes 18th September 2023 (DOCX, 23KB)
PPG Minutes 21st August 2023 (DOCX, 21KB)