The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering feedback about your experience of care, you can help us improve our service by completing the following questionnaire. You can download this document to complete at home and bring to the surgery on your next visit, there is a designated box in reception for responses.
May 2019
100% of patients asked would recommend this service to their friends and family.
November 2018
100% of those patients who took part in survey in November said they would recommend our service to their friends and family
September 2017
86% of those patients who took part in survey in September said they would recommend our service to their friends and family
May 2017
100% of patients who took part in the survey would recommend our service to their friends & family
March 2017
100% of patients who completed the survey would recommend our service to their friends and family
January 2017
100% of patients who completed the survey would recommend our service to their friends and family
November 2016
100% of people asked would recommend this service to their friends and family.
August 2016
100% of people who took part in the survey were extremely likely to recommend our service to friends and family.
July 2016
90% of patients would be extremely likely to recommend the service to friends and family.
October 2015
100% of people who completed the questionnaire would recommend our service to friends and family.
September 2015
100% of people who completed the questionnaire would recommend our service to friends and family.
July 2015
100% of people who completed the questionnaire would recommend our service to friends and family.
June 2015
100% of patients who completed questionnaires would be extremely likely or likely to recommend our services to friends and family.
April 2015
92% of peoples questioned would be extremely likely or likely to recommend our service to friends and family.
February 2015
98% of patients who completed the questionnaire would be extremely likely or likely to recommend this service to their friends and family.
March 2015
100% of patients who completed the questionnaire would be extremely likely or likely to recommend this service to their friends and family.
January 2015
96.5% of patients asked would be either likely or extremely likely to recommend our service to their friends and family.