Latest News

GLP1 Therapy for Diabetes Trulicity & Ozempic
Dear Patients,
We need to make you aware of a national drug shortage for the use of GLP1 injection therapy for weight management within diabetes.
The GLP1 drugs are a weekly injection that have been used by the NHS for diabetic weight management for years. However, there has been a shortage of these drugs and patients are now having problems obtaining their prescriptions for these medications.
Alternative drugs have now been sanctioned to use. However, each patient will need to have a consultation as the new drugs have different dosing instructions and how they are administered.  We are gradually changing patients over to the new drugs, but as you can appreciate this is a huge undertaking, and we are doing our best to make these changes as quickly as possible, so please bear with us.

Thank you for your patience and co-operation.

Dementia Action Week 2024


Whooping cough information

NHS Whooping Cough

NHS Whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy

Don't carry the worry of cancer with you

Dont carry the worry of cancer with you

DNA Appointments Notice for 2023


DNA Appointments Notice

Wickford Primary Care Network

ADHD and Shared Care Arrangements 

We have recently been receiving lots of letters from private psychiatrists to have a shared care arrangements for ADHD management. Whilst we support and recognise that the patients need treatment for their Adult ADHD management, regrettably this service is not funded and not contracted by the NHS. The management of ADHD in the paediatric age group is done by the community paediatric team who see the patients regularly for follow ups, this service is contracted for by the NHS through the community service provision. 

The practice does not have the capacity and the work force to take on shared cared arrangements for Adult ADHD treatment. We therefore advise that patients should make sure that they are attending their follow up care with any private service providers for their ADHD that they have selected to visit. 

Access to Medical Records

We have recently been having requests for amendments of records by patients who access to their records. 

A clinical record should be an accurate reflection of a consultation. There is no reason it should be amended just because someone does not like the contents or has had a change of circumstances.  

The access to clinical records should not create a flood gate of requests for record amendments as this is creating excessive work for our staff and GP’s.  

Furthermore, retrospective amendments can cause a misleading story of events which might not be in the best interest of further care. 

Amendments must only be made to inaccurate record entries. 

Thank you for your co-operation. 

Menopause and HRT - Newsletter Adjunct Oct 23

Stay Active

#WeAreUndefeatable Stay active and

healthy during the winter months - Mid and

South Essex Integrated Care System


Find out more:

Stay active and healthy during the winter

months - Mid and South Essex Integrated

Care System ( #DoYourBitEssex



Winter Poster  Winter Poster

Stay Active Poster  Poster

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Dear Patients,

Please see the attached old clinic card which we found whilst having a tidy up in the surgery. We thought you might like to see this and compare how different the surgery opening hours are now!

Andrew Bate's Remarkable Story

Lifetime Achievement Award

In recognition of his work to the local GP organisation and devotion to helping patients and colleagues, our Senior Partner, Dr Oluwatoyin Ogunsanya has been given a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Royal College of General Practitioners, Essex Branch

Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website